Monday, January 11, 2010

Breach of Regulation 65 & 78 – Non submission of Form 112 - (08-01-2010)

In partial modification of the guidelines as contained in the Announcement dated 14th September 2009, it is hereby notified for the information of all concerned that the Council, in its 291st meeting held on 16th and 17th December 2009, has decided that delay in submission of Form 112 for having done additional / other course alongwith articleship through correspondence mode of study/private student (where there was no requirement of attending any classes at all)/early morning classes/evening classes (with no clash/overlapping between office and teaching hours) be condoned by taking a liberal view of the lapse on the part of the students concerned and membership be granted, as an amnesty measure for all such requests already received or to be received upto 31st March 2010.

However, for additional/other course pursued during day time classes along with articleship, two or more courses at a time alongwith articleship and / or where there is overlapping between working and teaching hours, the Council decided that each such case will be individually considered by the Executive Committee in the light of its decision taken at its 486th meeting held on 21st August 2009 and delay may be condoned and membership may be granted by imposing certain condition(s), as it may deem fit, to be fulfilled by the students concerned before enrollment as a member.

It is notified that wherever any statement made by a student or member is found to be false or varying with the facts discovered during the scrutiny process or later at any stage, the student and/ or member concerned will be liable to be proceeded with in accordance with the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and Regulations/Rules framed thereunder.

It was further decided that the student / articled assistants who have not yet taken permission for pursuing a course of study – whether academic or professional – alongwith articleship are advised, in their own interest, to submit Form 112 (can be downloaded from so as to reach the concerned regional office of the Institute at Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Kanpur or New Delhi, as the case may be, on or before 31st March 2010.

No request for condonation of breach of Regulation 65 & 78 for delay in submission of Form 112 will be considered effective from 1st April 2010.

Joint Secretary (MSS)
05th January, 2010

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